educator, organizer, + artist

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a little more about my

based in Atlanta

Moved from Minneapolis in 2018 and have since felt at home in the rapidly growing beloved community. Plugging into the local D.I.Y. and skateboarding culture has inspired a deeper relationship the structures of the city and its people.
This exploration led me to work with local organizers at public institutions like the the Atlanta City Studio and the Museum of Design Atlanta on a series of online classes around Design Justice. During the coronavirus pandemic, I also had the ability to connect to global grass roots organizations like the Goodpush Alliance and Skatistan to collaborate and contribute among other social skateboarding programs.
Currently, I am working with the S.T.E.(A.)M. Truck, a mobile makerspace, and the Village Skatepark ATL committed to bringing resources and exciting hands on learning to schools and neighborhoods around Atlanta.

Interests include:

  • social justice

  • equitable education and infrastructure

  • putting skateboarding in schools

  • providing free and open source creative tools for everyone

  • many more

interested in working with me? drop me a line